Christmas is a unique, family time. Many of us await with impatience the moment, when together with our relatives we will sit down by the table on Christmas Eve. Before this happens, there is a joyful bustle in the kitchen, where we prepare dishes that will appear on the table. Beetroot borscht with dumplings, carp and sauerkraut with mushrooms will taste even better if they are prepared in a functional and aesthetic space.

Glossy acrylic or wooden finish? New Line series, available in as much as sixteen sets, allows you to choose the kitchen that will meet the home-dwellers’ expectations to the greatest extent.  Glossy finish of the fronts will add glow to the room, while the wooden one – will fill it with warmth. It depends on us, how we will choose the particular elements and what final result we will achieve. It is certain that the composition created according to our own vision will be appreciated by the users to even a bigger extent and will give them more comfort.

High quality acrylic fronts can be found in the Miramar and Miramar Bis collections (they differ as far as the shape of the handles is concerned; the Bis version is likely to be preferred by the ones that like slimmer handles). The snow-white color of the fronts will perfectly compose with the winter aura outside the window. In addition, it will be a perfect background for other elements and accessories.

In the Flint collection, a special three-dimensional coating has been used. The light reflecting from the front’s surface makes the cabinets shine in many shades of gray, and the kitchen is visually enlarged. This set is perfect for modern interiors.

For those who prefer furniture with light, subdues colors, Peoria will be the perfect choice – a set in the color of white chocolate. The high-gloss finish of the front helps to produce a mirror image effect. The sister collection is Takoma, which appears in a slightly darker shade of ice coffee.

Classic cabinets with wooden finish are available in  Austin and Irving collections. These sets are characterized by an elegant, subtle look. The traditional handles in retro style are also attracting attention. The fans of wood-like decors in a more modern form will surely be fond of Clio and Clio Milk collections. The first one is made of a synchronous board, decorated with a clearly visible woodgrain structure in dark walnut color. On the other hand, the second set is a combination of white and wood. Owing to obvious similarities, both these sets can be successfully combined to form modern compositions. Clio furniture look exceptionally well in the interiors, where the kitchen is connected to the living room.

In each set from New Line series, several dozens of variants of standing and hanging cabinets are available, depending on the collection. They come in the following widths: 30, 40, 60 and 80 cm. They also differ as far as height (standing cabinets – 82 or 143 cm, hanging cabinets – 30, 40, 60 or 80 cm) and depth (standing cabinets – 48 cm, hanging cabinets – 31 cm) are concerned.  Among them, there are furniture elements adapted to built-in household appliances and other equipment: hood, oven or sink. Additionally, the offer for 2017 was enriched with posts, where a refrigerator or oven can be installed, measuring 200 and 220 cm. For each set, complementary parts can be selected additionally – masking panels (bottom, top, side) as well as plinths.

Diversity is one of the key strengths of the New Line series, allowing you to perfectly match the furniture to many styles of arrangement. They will do the job in classic, Scandinavian, rustic as well as industrial interiors. Each of the sets is very functional, so the time spent in the kitchen, in the heart of the house, will become even more enjoyable.