Between the technology, design and art, between the original creation and the real world.  We are setting the trends in the interior furnishing industry and organizing the internal trade fair. For the first time in Poland we will prepare our own, unconventional exhibition event, which will take place on 5 February in the building of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw.

The trade fair will be co-organized by RuckZuck, the largest sales network of our brand’s products. It is not just a response to Poznań BUDMA trade fair, which, for the first time ever, the manufacturer has not participated in this year. It is also a brand new idea, which has unveiled the company’s face unknown so far.

– Internal fair is a chance for us, as a manufacturer, to develop the proverbial wings. This year we have decided to give up our participation at BUDMA and create an original event from scratch. Taking part in the Poznań fair has always been a unique opportunity, but today it the time has come to set our own way – says Anna Lipus, Classen’s Marketing and Advertising Manager – By organizing the trade fair in one of the most prestigious artistic schools in Poland,
in the European Capital of Culture 2016, we want to show that we are spreading our wings and go beyond traditional path. Today we are a company open to young, talented designers, who have proven with their works that even the most sophisticated artistic creations can combine functional and aesthetic functions. We focus on the quality of products, their originality and the ability to adapt art to the real world – adds Anna Lipus.


During the trade fair, we will also present the winners of the competition announced among students and graduates of artistic universities, whose original ideas were turned into door leaf prototypes, ready for sale. These works were prepared by the designers under the supervision of Krzysztof Groń, PhD, Assistant Professor of the Department of Fine Arts and Functional Arts of Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice.